The Law Centre leads or participates in the following partnerships and forums:

Southwark Legal Advice Network:

The Network which is facilitated by Citizens Advice Southwark brings together the core advice agencies funded by Southwark council in order to identify local need for legal advice strategically plan services.

Southwark Universal Credit Network

Funded by United St Saviours Charity this is a joint project with Citizens Advice Southwark and Community Southwark to provide information and training around Universal Credit issues for community agencies in the Borough.

Housing and Immigration Group:

Funding from Trust for London enables the Law Centre to coordinate the London Wide Housing and Immigration Group which facilitates the sharing of good practice and information between practitioners and referrals for urgent cases.

Southwark Homelessness Forum:

The Forum brings together representatives from the voluntary sector and representatives of Southwark Council to try to develop a joined-up approach to tackling issues of homelessness and ensuring policies do not adversely affect local residents. The Law Centre’s Executive Director chairs these meetings.

Quarterly liaison meetings with the Southwark Exchequer Service:

The Law Centre facilitates and chairs meetings between the core Southwark advice agencies and the Exchequer service. The aim is to work in partnership particularly around the impact of Universal Credit on tenants rent accounts.

Forum For Equalities and Human Rights and Equality Human Rights Panel (EHRP)

The Executive Director of the Law Centre is a member of the EHRP, which acts as a critical friend to Southwark Council , commenting on policy initiatives and Equality Analysis.

Regeneration for All Liaison Group

This group was set up in 2019 to provide a channel for discussion between Southwark council’s planning, public health and community engagement departments , and community agencies leading on planning and regeneration support

Our Organisation

We are a registered charity and are governed by a trustee board of local residents.
Please click here to view our 2022/2023 Annual Report
Please click here to view our Audited Reports for the Year Ended March 31st, 2023
To view our Privacy Policy click here.
Company registration number: 1418763 • Charity registration number: 277927
Office of the Immigration Service Commissioners reference is N201000009