We aim to help people to live safely in their homes. We specialise in cases in cases involving homelessness, possession, and eviction.

We aim to provide support to other agencies even when we cannot take on the case. That support may be telephone advice to assist the referral agency in resolving the problem, or help in finding other sources of advice from groups such as the Southwark Housing Lawyers Group, the Lewisham Housing Lawyers Group or the Housing and Immigration Group.

Migrant Housing project.

Trust for London provides funding to help us take cases for vulnerable migrants including people with No Recourse to Public Funds

Private Renters Project

We have funding from Urban Health to provide legal advice for private tenants with issues such as illegal eviction and disrepair.

Help For People Facing Eviction

Please contact us if you live in Southwark, Lambeth or Lewisham and your landlord is taking you to court to evict you.

If you are on a low income or on benefits, you may be able to get Legal Aid.

You can call our possession enquiry line on 0203 084 5546.

Fridays, 10am – 12pm

Please have your court papers available when you call us

Please complete an enquiry form by clicking this link.

Southwark Private Renters Support

Southwark Private Renters Support is a new initiative designed to help people who are renting privately in the borough.

If you are renting privately in Southwark and want to learn more about the support on offer, or join the Private Renters Support Southwark network of private renters, please visit https://southwarkprivaterenters.org.uk/

This website also provides guidance, materials and information relevant to renters’ rights, and lists local and national organisations who can provide advice on renters’ issues.

Southwark Private Renters Support has been set up by Citizens Advice Southwark in partnership with Southwark Law Centre.

Examples of cases we may take on

  • Possession cases including applications to suspend a Warrant
  • Unfavourable decisions made against a homeless applicant, including reviews and appeals
  • Landlord harassment, and unlawful evictions
  • Clients who are without any or any adequate accommodation and do not have access to mainstream housing for example because of their immigration status

Cases that we cannot deal with

  • Landlords – We do not advise Landlords.
  • Right to Buy
  • Leaseholders
  • Mortgage possession cases
  • Most neighbour disputes: but we may act for clients who need to be rehoused because of harassment

Southwark Homeless Forum

We work in partnership with Southwark council to facilitate meetings of agencies working to prevent homelessness

Our Organisation

We are a registered charity and are governed by a trustee board of local residents.
Please click here to view our 2022/2023 Annual Report
Please click here to view our Audited Reports for the Year Ended March 31st, 2023
To view our Privacy Policy click here.
Company registration number: 1418763 • Charity registration number: 277927
Office of the Immigration Service Commissioners reference is N201000009