Southwark Law Centre has Moved!

As of 27 January 2025, our new office is located at: 53 Addington Square, Camberwell, London SE5 7LB

Please click on link to view Law Centres Network Supporter Newsletter April 2024

What we do

We provide specialist legal advice for people who cannot afford to pay for this in the areas of Discrimination, Employment, Housing, Planning, Welfare rights, and Immigration/Asylum law.

Our main office is based in Southwark and we have a second office Lewisham Law Centre

We try and help people needing specialist legal advice who have been referred to us by partner agencies, such as generalist advice agencies, hospitals, social workers, MPs and local councillors.

We do not provide drop in advice. We see people by pre-arranged appointment.

If you are a member of the public needing advice, please contact your local Citizens Advice Service

We are currently looking for 2-3 new trustees with local connections and a commitment to social justice to join our board. More details here


for other voluntary and community sector agencies…

If agencies would like to refer a case or would like some support to deal with an issue please telephone us on  020 7732 2008 Monday to Friday 9.30-1 2-5.30

Please check the information on the different subject pages to see what type of cases we might take on.

If you are an existing client of Southwark Law Centre and need to speak to your caseworker please telephone us on 0207 732 2008

For more information about where to get advice in Southwark :

For more information about where to get advice in Lewisham

Freephone Lewisham Advice Line 0800 231 5453.

We rely on the continuous support and generosity of people like you

Help For People Facing Eviction

Please contact us if you live in Southwark, Lambeth or Lewisham and your landlord is taking you to court to evict you.

If you are on a low income or on benefits, you may be able to get Legal Aid.

You can call our possession enquiry line on 0203 084 5546.

Fridays, 10am – 12pm

Please have your court papers available when you call us

Please complete an enquiry form by clicking this link.

Areas of Law covered








“Southwark Law Centre is a very good place to go because they are always there to help people out. They help me and I am very happy with them.”

“Special thanks for my solicitor. But thanks is very small word for her. Just I can say that Southwark Law centre should be proud of her.”

“I would just like to thank you guys very much. Words can’t explain how happy I am now for my family.”

“You treat people equally and with respect.”

A great example of the many ways that #AdviceSaves:

@SouthwarkLawCen's award-winning homelessness project was expanded to Lewisham two years ago—it's securing a stable future for patients all while saving money for the NHS. #AdviceWeek

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Prize winner 2021

Our Organisation

We are a registered charity and are governed by a trustee board of local residents.

To view our Privacy Policy click here.

To view our Annual Review (2023 – 2024) click here

Company registration number: 1418763 • Charity registration number: 277927
Office of the Immigration Service Commissioners reference is N201000009